Connector Errors - Microsoft CSP

Modified on Mon, 9 Oct, 2023 at 10:49 AM

This article will contain common connector errors. You may search this article using part of the error message. Each item will be structured as followes:

A title that contains the connector type and part of the error message

The error message itself, in the same color as the connector error message.

Issue: A short description of the issue.

Action: A short description of what actions need to be taken to resolve the issue.

Microsoft customer with id "..." can't be retrieved.

Microsoft customer with Id "..." can't be retrieved: A customer with the tenant Id '...' was not found.

RS: The error `Microsoft customer with Id {CustomerId} can't be retrieved:` is generated when we attempt to get details for a customer and Microsoft says the customer does not exist. This does not happen when asking for subscriptions, but earlier. What happens is, we ask Microsoft for a list of customers, Microsoft says for instance there are customers with ids 1, 2, and 3. We then want more details for those customers (we need to know their address to determine currency, for example) and we ask Microsoft for more details of these customers one at a time. Now Microsoft claims not to know of any customer with id 2. I have no idea why this happens, almost certainly some data quality issue on the side of MS. I don't think this is something we can work around.

Microsoft CSP - Failed to create subscription usage meter reading for customer

Failed to create subscription usage meter reading results for Renson Ventilation NV (63773c07-2af5-4258-8974-1661a0140ba2): GetSubscriptionUsage(CustomerId:63773c07-2af5-4258-8974-1661a0140ba2, SubscriptionId:06F5E1A8-0464-45FB-BE8F-F9F297A54028) - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: resourceCollection


Issue: The connector will run by all customers and retrieve their azure subscription. It will then try to retrieve all azure records connected to that specific subscription. This query begins with a start and end date. For these customers, the query does not return a resourceCollection value. This is unusual but not worrisome. It probably means that this customer has an azure plan subscription but no usage connected to it.

Solution: Roelof and Marc do not believe any action is required. The error comes up when a customer has no old azure, in which case there is no old azure that we're not retrieving. It is however wise to do a quick check on this customer to ascertain that we are not missing old azure usage on or around the date of the connector error.

Below comes from old Word doc. Should be changed to match item style

Microsoft CSP – Customer with Tenant ID not found


Microsoft customer with Id ecfd2bce-3bf1-4ca7-85a3-724a74927374 can't be retrieved: System.Exception: GetCustomerById - A customer with the tenant Id 'ecfd2bce-3bf1-4ca7-85a3-724a74927374' was not found. ---> Microsoft.Store.PartnerCenter.Exceptions.PartnerException: A customer with the tenant Id 'ecfd2bce-3bf1-4ca7-85a3-724a74927374' was not found. at Microsoft.Store.PartnerCenter.PartnerService.SynchronousExecute[T](Func`1 operation) at Kolonel.Connector.Services.Microsoft.MicrosoftPartnerService.GetCustomerById(String customerId) in D:\a\1\s\Source\Kolonel.Connector\Services\Microsoft\PartnerService\MicrosoftPartnerService.cs:line 98 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Kolonel.Connector.Services.Microsoft.MicrosoftPartnerService.GetCustomerById(String customerId) in D:\a\1\s\Source\Kolonel.Connector\Services\Microsoft\PartnerService\MicrosoftPartnerService.cs:line 105 at Kolonel.Connector.Csp.BaseCspConnector.GetMicrosoftCustomer(ServiceContext context, String customerId) in D:\a\1\s\Source\Kolonel.Connector\Connectors\Csp\BaseCspConnector.cs:line 42


Issue: Jiska Warmels: “So what happens is that our API asks for a list of all customers in the Microsoft Partnercenter, this is then given to us by Microsoft. Then later, we ask for every customer in that list what the usage is, and at this point Microsoft says what do you mean that is not a customer we know and throws this error. Solution: So they should probably check their partnercenter for these IDs to see if they are somewhere in there still, and then they should be removed.


Microsoft CSP – Unable to parse “00000000” as tags


Unable to parse "{ "tags": { "billingCode": "00000000", "costCenter": "000000", "statementOfWork": "00000000" }}" as tags


Issue: Roelof Spijker: “Dat betekent dat we van Azure iets terugkrijgen op een tags property dat in een onverwachte vorm is. Normaal zit in tags iets in de vorm van {"naam": "waarde", "naam2": "Waarde2", ...}. Die buitenste laag met "tags:" { ... } hoort er niet omheen. Dat is een ander formaat dan verwacht, dus dat kan de connector niet verwerken. In dat geval krijgen de aankopen in kwestie geen tags.

Impact: Purchases are still there, just missing tags. Might impact how they show on the invoice though?

Solution: Unclear. We cannot see which purchases are affected.


Microsoft CSP - Failed to create subscription usage meter reading for customer


Failed to create subscription usage meter reading results for Renson Ventilation NV (63773c07-2af5-4258-8974-1661a0140ba2): GetSubscriptionUsage(CustomerId:63773c07-2af5-4258-8974-1661a0140ba2, SubscriptionId:06F5E1A8-0464-45FB-BE8F-F9F297A54028) - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: resourceCollection


Issue: In principe kan het geen kwaad. We lopen over all klanten heen, en dan over hun azure subsciprioton. Voor die sub, geef me alle azure records. Query met start en einddatum. Die geeft geen resourcecollection terug. Dat is wel raar, 

Solution: Waarschijnlijk niets.


Microsoft CSP - Maintenance failed to authorize (invalid_grant)


Maintenance failed: failed to authorize : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. (invalid_grant)



Solution: ran succesfully next day?


Microsoft CSP - 'Kolonel.Domain.Exceptions.AliasNotUniqueException'


Maintenance failed: Exception of type 'Kolonel.Domain.Exceptions.AliasNotUniqueException' was thrown.


Issue: Incorrecte data bij MSFT

Solution: PAAR DAGEN AANkijken, vorige keer (september) loste MSFT het binnen enkele dagen op. Zo niet is het verstandig aan de hand van de BilledOneTime te controleren of alles goed op de factuur staat. De kans is klein dat er een relevante prijswijziging op precied dat product zat dat de klant gekocht heeft, maar je kunt het nooit helemaal uitsluiten.


Microsoft CSP - Could not deserialize response


Failed to create subscription usage meter reading results for GSuite to 365 Migration Test (e06ca95f-5efd-4a90-a4bd-d42712902ec1): GetCustomerSubscriptions(CustomerId:e06ca95f-5efd-4a90-a4bd-d42712902ec1) - Could not deserialize response


Issue: Wij gebruiken de Microsoft SDK (library die praat met API, maakt objecten van wat je van de api teruglrijgt. Nu hebben ze voor een bepaalde property (een eNum, keuzelijstje, mag 1 van deze 5 zijn) extra optie toegevoegd, zeg 6e. De SDK kent die niet, dus die krijgt nu dingen terug die die niet kan vertalen.

Solution: Mogelijk een nieuwe versie van de SDK? Dan updaten. Gaat DevOps onderzoeken.


Microsoft CSP – Unable to parse “” as tags


Unable to parse "" as tags





Microsoft CSP – Refreshing the credentials has failed



Failed: Refreshing the credentials has failed.




Microsoft CSP – An error occurred while sending the request


Failed: An error occurred while sending the request.



Solution: I think it usually fixes itself after one day.



Microsoft CSP – No commerce relationship with the customer id


Failed to create subscription meter readings for CloudActive (f4bd142f-25f4-44a7-b7a4-0bd04d07e7b9): The partner id 4bbaccc6-49c1-4d76-95dc-6bb9492bbd74 has no commerce relationship with the customer id f4bd142f-25f4-44a7-b7a4-0bd04d07e7b9.


Issue: Here’s a list of tenants, when we retrieve it Microsoft says we’re not allowed to.

Solution: Proact should know that those customers are customers they don’t actively sell to.

This happens when we retrieve Azure usage for the tenant. Again, we ask Microsoft for a list of customers and we filter out any that have an "Advisor" relationship with the partner. It looks like Microsoft has since introduced more partnership types, so perhaps we should modify our filtering to only include "Reseller" relationships. Before we do that, I suggest we test/log what the relationships for current tenants are though. My guess is that this is again a data quality issue with Microsoft, where these tenants still appear in the list of customers, even if they are not customers (anymore). We only retrieve Azure usage for tenants that are mapped. So if these tenants are in fact not customers anymore, they can be unmapped and this error should disappear for those tenants.

Unable to retrieve reservation details

Unable to retrieve reservation details for tenant with id 4d5eab06-f5db-45ef-82ac-36dd71724bb1



Failed to create meter readings: Currency code is required

Failed to create meter readings: Currency code is required.

Issue: We vragen aan Microsoft onder andere de currency van elke tenant op. We hebben al eerder gezien dat deze er soms niet is, in dit geval is de currency er wel, maar zonder value. Daardoor gaat de connector op z'n smoel.
Solution: Roelof gaat een aanpassing doen in de connectorWe checken al of een tenant een currency heeft, ja of nee. Dit is een klant met een currency, maar die heeft geen value. Roelof gaat er voor zorgen dat de connector de tenant oiverslaag als de currency leeg is.

CSP connector - stuck in "currently running" state

Started XX days ago. Running

Issue: the connector failed to perform a run.

Due to this problem, 2 things have to be checked:

  1. The quantity of NCE license purchases before the stuck date and after it should match. (i.e. 4 licenses for customer XXX before stuck should also be 4 after that date).

  2. NCE license purchase metadata field "Pricingdate" should not match the stuck date.

In case there are no errors the Action would be: Checked all the NCE licenses. No action required.

In case any of these happen: wait for the reconciliation file. Checked all the NCE licenses. Some licenses require to be adjusted in accordance with the reconciliation report.

Failed due to TagNameNotUniqueException

Maintenance failed: Exception of type 'Kolonel.Domain.Exceptions.TagNameNotUniqueException' was thrown.

Hex codes for errors:

Red text: 9F3A39

Red background: FFF6F6

Yellow text: 573A08

Yellow background:

Maintenance failed: Attempted to reserve a connector account that is already reserved.



Failed: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.



Skiped record due to missing customer information

The fact that Microsoft does not know this tenant when we ask for it used to cause failure in the connector run. This warning was added to prevent failure and to notify the customer that a tenant is not known. The customer should add tenant information in the partner center

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